
ApiGetSubscriberSubscriptions Use this function to retrieve the subscription status of a certain subscriber. Request Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get Subscriber By Email

Getting a subscriber by email (apiGetSubscriberByEmail) With this option, you retrieve the id and several other information of a certain subscriber by email. This function takes the email as a parameter. Request Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get Subscriber Unsubscribes

Getting all unsubscribed subscribers of a list (apiGetSubscriberUnsubscribes) With this option, you retrieve all unsubscribed subscribers of a list. This function takes a list ID as a parameter. This function only provides the e-mail address. Request Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get Subscriber Details

Getting all subscribers of a list including all custom fields (apiGetSubscriberDetails) With this option, you retrieve all subscribers to a list. In contrast to apiGetSubscriber, the subscribers are returned together with personalization fields. The amount of data is larger, and wait time is therefore longer. Request Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get Subscriber

Getting all subscribers of a list (apiGetSubscriber) With this option, you retrieve all subscribers to a list. This function takes a list ID as a parameter. This function only provides the e-mail address and therefore works faster. If you would also like to query the personalization fields, please use apiGetSubscriberDetails. Request Response Error Response PHP5 […]

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Delete List

Delete a list (apiDeleteList) Use this function to delete an existing subscriber list. The subscribers contained in the list are not deleted. They remain in the account and may no longer be associated with a list. Request Error Response PHP5 Example

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Add List

Add a new list (apiAddList) Use this function to set a new subscriber list. Request Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get List Details

Getting details of a list (apiGetListDetails) This function provides you with more information about a single list. The name, the description, and the number of logins and logouts are specified. Request Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Get List

Getting all lists (apiGetList) This function delivers all lists with List IDs. Response Error Response PHP5 Example

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Delete Subscriber Field

Delete a custom field (apiDeleteSubscriberField) Using this function, you can delete a personalization field. Request Error Response PHP5 Example

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